3 Things Property Owners Look for In a Tenant

When it comes to choosing the right tenant for a rental home, there are several things that property owners and managers look for.

It is no surprise that you will need proof of income/employment to show you can pay your rent each month, but there are several other things that landlords look for including your rental history, credit score and other important background information.

If you can show that you are employed, make an adequate amount of money for the home or other rental property you’re looking at, and have a clean rental history and background, you should have no issue getting the space you’re hoping for.  

Family entering a rental home

Good rental history

One of the most important things that property owners take into account when choosing a new tenant is rental history over the past few years.

In many cases, a rental verification form will be submitted to your current landlord, where they will be able to see if you’ve had a positive rental history in recent years.

If you’ve had no issue in paying your rent each month, you should be well on your way to securing your new rental home. If late payments or other issues are on the report an additional deposit may be required.

An adequate credit score

Although you may not think of it, many property owners or managers will run the credit of a potential tenant to ensure they have an adequate credit score.

A positive credit score will show that you do a good job of paying your bills on time and will give the landlord confidence in you as a tenant.

Depending on the price of your monthly rent, landlords and property managers will typically look for a FICO score of 550 or higher.

Proof of employment, income

Another thing that landlords look for in a tenant is proof of employment and adequate income. Based on how much monthly rent is, a landlord may require your income to be three times that amount to ensure that you can pay your rent on time.

If you’re unable to show proof of employment or a high enough income, you will most likely be taken out of consideration for the space. There are certain conditions where you do not need proof of employment that include receiving retirement benefits, getting social security, disability, GI benefits, child support and alimony, and more.

No matter what your situation may be, you should be prepared to go through a screening process when looking to rent a space.

When you need assistance with finding a new rental property in Indianapolis, IN, we ask that you call on our team at AMG Property Management. We work with both property owners and tenants and will be able to help you with all necessary documentation to ensure you get the rental home you desire. Give us a call today at 317-252-5830 to get started.

Tips for First Time Landlords

If you have recently purchased a property and have made the decision to rent it out to tenants, there are several things you can do to ensure a seamless rental process.

Being a first-time landlord can come with a lot of stress and may feel overwhelming at times, so it’s important to have a plan in place.

Whether you make improvements to your property to get several quality offers, screen potential tenants to see if they’re the right fit or you make the decision to hire a property manager, you’ll be setting yourself up for a successful and stress-free rental process.

Rental Property

Make improvements to increase interest in your property

When looking to get high interest in your rental property there are several renovations you can make, and amenities you can add, that will be enticing for perspective renters.

Common renovations include a new paint job to rooms and hallways, adding new flooring and windows and more. We also suggest updating bathrooms, kitchens and other spaces to give them a more modern feel.

You can add popular amenities that include outdoor lounging areas, a washer and dryer, convenient parking and more to stand out from other properties.

Screen potential tenants

A great way to make sure you’re getting an ideal tenant is by screening them before making a final decision. Do a thorough review of the application and don’t be afraid to ask difficult questions such as eviction history, proof of rent payment history, proof of current employment and more. You can even call previous landlords to see how the tenant treated their property.

Hire a property manager

If you’re going through the process of looking for a quality tenant and need some assistance, or already have one and need help with day-to-day landlord duties, we suggest hiring a property manager.

A property manager assists with everything from the screening of potential tenants to advertising, maintenance of your property, easy-to-use rent paying platforms, the installation of security systems and more.

If you believe that hiring a property manager is the right move for the success of your rental property in Indianapolis, IN, we ask that you call our experienced team at AMG Property Management.

A family-owned business, we have over 25 years of industry experience and know how to attract and keep responsible tenants. To learn more about all the ways we can assist at your property, give us a call today at (317) 252-5830.

5 Packing Tips for Your Next Move

Whether you’re packing up an entire house, or your first apartment, packing up your belongings can be challenging. However, with the right tips and tricks, moving can be surprisingly simple. As your prepare for your next move, here is a list of our best backing tips that will hopefully make your move more organized, efficient, and stress-free.

Packing a Child's Room

Remove Clutter First

As you pack up your space, now is the perfect time to go through your possessions and decide which ones you want to bring with you and which ones you’d like to leave behind. Cutting back on clutter as much as possible before you pack will help you pack, move, and unpack less stuff!

Pack What You Can in Advance

Usually, you’ll know about your next move a few weeks or months in advance. To help take some stress off of your shoulders, start by packing your off-season items that you know you won’t need anytime soon first.

Keep The Essentials Near By

On the night before your move, pack the rest of your everyday essentials into a bag that you can keep with you. This is especially a good idea if you’re making a long, long move to a different state. If something delays your moving truck, at least you know that you will have some of your most essentials with you.

Use What You Have First

Before you start spending money on packing equipment, evaluate what you have first. Things like plastic containers, hampers, suitcases, and reusable bags are great for moving boxes. If you need more boxes, you can usually acquire a decent amount of free moving boxes by asking your friends and family.

Label Your Boxes

As you begin to put your possessions into bins, don’t forget to label each box with the following information:

  • What room it belongs in
  • What contents are in the box
  • Is it fragile?
  • What side should be facing up

Labeling will help ensure that all of your items will arrive at your new home in one piece.

After reading these excellent packing tips, you should be ready for your next move! If you’re looking for properties to rent or buy in the Indianapolis area, contact AMG Property Management.

We’ll help you find your next perfect place to call home.

4 Things You Should Know Before You Make the Move to Indianapolis

Moving to Indianapolis

There are plenty of reasons why people move to Indianapolis. For starters, it’s a great place to live with a booming job market, it has reasonable living costs, and there’s a lot of exciting things to do!

If you’re thinking of looking at properties in Indianapolis, here are some of the main things you should know before moving: 

Indianapolis Has a Great Job Market

If you’re currently exploring new employment opportunities, Indianapolis is consistently ranked as one of the country’s best cities for finding gainful employment. If your career path is in the tech industry, DoubleMap, Infraware, and SmarterHQ are all amazing tech companies that are located here. 

The Cost of Living is Low in Indianapolis

Believe it or not, the overall cost of living in Indianapolis is 8% lower than the national average. Even resources like groceries, utilities, transportation, and healthcare are considered lower than the national average too. 

If you’re looking to purchase new property, you should strongly consider investing in real estate in Indianapolis. The real estate in Indianapolis is considered to be 19% lower than the national average. Some of the least expensive neighborhoods to look for property included Beech Grove, Edinburgh, and Mooresville.

Indianapolis Experiences All Four Seasons 

If you enjoy experiencing the change in seasons, you’d be happy to hear that Indianapolis experiences all four seasons. The summers can often be described as long and warm, while the winters are usually short, windy, and cold.

If you’re looking to visit, September, June, and May are some of the best months to explore Indianapolis. 

Commuting is Easy

In big cities, commuting can be challenging. However, in Indianapolis, most families commute by car to work. It’s fairly easy to navigate through the city in your own vehicle. Surprisingly, Indianapolis has less traffic when compared to other big cities.

If you’re considering moving to Indianapolis, IN, don’t forget to contact AMG Property Management Group to learn more about our available rental properties

Are You Moving Out? Here are 4 Tips to Help Make Sure You Get Your Security Deposit Back!

How Can You Get Your Security Deposit Back?

If you’re renting a home or apartment, odds are you had to pay a security deposit to your landlord before moving in. The purpose of collecting a security deposit is to assure that the tenant keeps the rental in great condition. When you move out, you are likely to get your security deposit back if you take proper care of your rental.

To help increase the likelihood of you receiving your full security deposit back when you move out, here are 4 of our best tips:

Make Sure You’re Reading the Lease

For the most part, leases are straight forward, but that doesn’t mean that you should glance over them before signing. No matter how long your lease is, you need to take the time to read everything carefully. Your lease will explain in detail all the rules you need to follow while you’re renting.

Some landlords give their tenants permission to paint, hang pictures up on the wall, or change out other home structures. On the other hand, other landlords can be very particular about these rules. Always be sure to read your lease and ask questions before changing anything to the home.

Walk Around Your Empty Apartment

Before you start eagerly unpacking and moving your furniture:

  1. Take a walk around your empty apartment.
  2. Make a note of any damage to the walls, floors, drawers, or doors.
  3. Record if any appliances are not working.

This would also be an appropriate time to take a video or pictures to refer to when you’re ready to move out.

Keep Track of Any Upgrades you Make

Over time, it’s normal to make changes in your rental. Whether it be switching out your doorknobs, changing your showerhead, or purchasing a new washer and dryer, make sure you’re recording all your upgrades. You can also take pictures to help document the improvements that you have made to the home!

Clean Before You Leave

As you begin to pack up your belongings, don’t forget to deep clean your rental before leaving. Including removing stains on carpets, repainting scuffs on the wall, and making sure the floors are cleaned! Your landlord will appreciate your efforts.

Are you ready to move into a new rental? If so, contact AMG Property Management. We’ll help you find the perfect rental in the Indianapolis area for your family!

4 Small Changes You Can Make to the Inside of Your Rental Property in the New Year

Although you’re renting your space, that doesn’t mean that you can’t make it feel more like home. After a few years of everyday wear and tear, it may be time to fix up your current space. And what better time to do that than the new year? Believe it or not, you can make quite a few improvements without breaking your lease or your budget.

Before starting any project, make sure you’re getting your landlord’s approval for any more permanent changes.

Here are some safe and fun changes you can make to the inside of your rental property this year:

Small Home Improvement Projects

Add a New Coat of Paint to the Walls

A fresh coat of paint can help transform a room and make it feel brand new. Plus, choosing your paint color will help you put your personal touch on the apartment. Before you start painting, remember to get your landlord’s approval on the color.

Change Out Light Fixtures

Lighting is another way you can express your style in your home. Whether the lighting isn’t up-to-date, or it’s just not your style, try swapping out your light fixtures for ones you like.

Install a Security System

Depending on the type of apartment or home you’re renting, it most likely will already have a security system installed. However, if you know that your building does not, this may be something worth investing in. If you feel safer in your apartment, most complexes will allow you to install one, but you may have certain types of systems that aren’t allowed.

Improve Your Shower Experience

After some time, you may notice your showerhead losing some pressure. You can easily replace your showerhead. All you’ll need is a wrench! Most new showerheads can have ten times the water pressure of your older, worn-out head. It’s a great investment for the new year!

Contact Your Landlord Before Making Any Significant Changes

AT AMG Property Management, we will work with you to maintain your property so that it’s always looking its best. To learn more about our rental properties and resources, give us a call or contact us online today!

Why Is Providing Proof of Income Important for Landlords?

If you’ve ever rented before, you know that your landlord will probably ask for proof of income. While every rental home and application process is different, it’s important to be prepared to provide proof of income if your landlord does ask for it.

If you find yourself in this situation, you may wonder why you’re being asked to provide this information to your landlord.

Here is everything you need to know before providing proof of income to your landlord: 

Do You Need to Provide Proof of Income to Your Landlord?

Why do Landlords Ask for a Proof of Income? 

Providing proof of income to your landlord prevents them from losing money on their investment property, and it saves them from having to potentially evict a Tennant in the future.

Your landlord knows that most people intend to keep up with their rent payments. However, keep in mind that they’ve probably had experience with at least one tenant who either fell behind on payments or struggled to keep up with the rent. So, when your landlord asks for proof of income, they only do to make sure that you can comfortably afford their rent.

What is the 3X Rule? 

The 3X rule requires each tenant or renting household to make at least three times the rent amount. This ratio was created to ensure that each potential tenant could afford to keep up with their rent each month while still having enough money to pay bills, purchase groceries, and make other expenses.

Usually, when tenants make less than 3X their rent, they are more likely to struggle to pay rent or fall behind in payments. Some landlords enjoy using this rule as a precaution.

Examples of Proof of Income

Many people feel uncomfortable providing their proof of income to their landlord because they feel as though they are giving away too much of their personal information. Luckily, there are quite a few options that you can do to provide this information to your landlord.

Some individuals choose standard methods such as giving a W2 or 1099 forms, pay stubs, or a tax return. Others choose non-standard solutions, including an employment offer letter, employer verification, or a co-signer verification. 

Why is it Important? 

Your proof of income is important to your landlord because they want to make sure that you can comfortably rent their property. If you have any questions or are interested in top-quality property management services, contact AMG Property Management at 317-252-5830

Should You Renovate Your Rental Property?

A lot of time and energy is spent renovating a property. And it can be hard to justify renovating a property that you’re not living in yourself. However, there are many perks to renovating a rental property.

Home Renovations

 Here are some of the best reasons to renovate your rental property:

Remodeling Your Rental Property Will Help Differentiate You From Your Competition. 

If you’ve toured multiple rental properties, you know that they can all be very different. Some properties are outdated, while others seem brand new. Properties that are up to date will always appeal more to the consumer because it has everything that they could need. 

If you don’t know where to start, first take a look at other properties in your area, and try and see where you might be lacking. It can even be as simple as adding a dishwasher to your kitchen or adding an in-unit washer and dryer. 

Attract Higher-Quality Tenants 

When you renovate and maintain your rental property, it can help you attract and keep higher quality tenants. If your property is modern and up to date, your tenants will want to treat it with care to maintain their nice, clean look for as long as they can.

Plus, attracting and keeping quality tenants has its perk, such as they are more likely to pay rent on time! 

Increasing Property Value 

By adding extra amenities to your property, you can increase your property value and increase your rent. Property value is determined by the location of your home and the popularity of your market. By adding more value to your rental, you can attract high-quality tenants who are more willing to pay for a nicer quality home. 

Plus, when you’re looking to rent the space, you can now advertise your added amenities such as off-street parking, in-unit washer and dryer, and other appliances to attract a larger number of potential tenants. 

Renovating Your Property Leads to Happy Tenants

When you have happy tenants, they are more likely to continue to rent from you. The best way to figure out where to start is by asking your current tenants what they’d like to see in their rental property. By asking them first, it shows that you care about the thoughts and opinions of your tenants. 

If you’re ready to find a beautiful, modern apartment, contact AMG Property Management. We have 30 years of experience in renting and managing properties of all kinds. Contact us online today for more information! 

What College Students Want Most in a Rental Property

When marketing your property, remember that college students have slightly different priorities than your typical long-term renter. Most often, it’s not difficult selling to a college student. All they need is a safe, functioning place to call home that’s close to campus! However, some amenities would help increase the quality of their experience and would help make your property stand out from your competitors.

Here are a few amenities to keep in mind to help you maximize your rental property:

Leasing to College Students

Proximity to Campus

One of the best ways to attract college students to your property is your location. No student wants to spend unnecessary time commuting to campus. If your property is within a reasonable distance of a college campus, you should focus on that when marketing to students. A college student spends the majority of their time on campus for classes, work, studying, and extracurricular activities, so being close drive to campus is important to them when they are looking for a place to rent. 

Laundry in Unit

Having a place to do laundry nearby is another amenity that is important for college students. When students dorm, they often have to share washers and dryers in a common area in their dorm building. If you can make it easy for your tenant to wash their clothes, they will appreciate it! Plus, it will make your property more desirable. 


Offering a safe property for your tenant to go home to is one of the most important parts of renting from any property. Having a rental that is well lit and has secure locks is easy to provide from an owner standpoint, and it will play a significant factor in whether or not your potential tenant chooses to rent from you. 


One of the more challenging parts about renting to college students is that they usually don’t have a significant income. If you offer spaces that will allow students to live with roommates to help keep costs down, share that possibility with them. If you’re having trouble attracting tenants, try highlighting the great amenities your property offers and compare your rent to other properties. 

Whether you have student renters or not, working with a property manager will help you figure out all of the more complicated parts of leasing and management. If you’re looking for top-quality property management services in the Indianapolis area, contact AMG Property Management at 317-252-5830

Tips for Attracting High-Quality Tenants

A landlord needs to find a quality tenant to live and take care of their rental home. Ideally, if you’re a landlord, then you want someone who will keep your rental in great shape and plans on staying for a while. Finding the right tenant isn’t always easy; in fact, it can be quite a process! However, there are a few practices that can help you attract a great tenant.

How to Attract Tenants

Describe Your Ideal Tenant Beforehand

Establishing what kind of tenant you want beforehand allows you to help target that market better when you’re posting your listing. Some things that you may want to look out for is if they have stable employment, they’re willing to adhere to rental agreements, and they are timely and respectful. Also, for your benefit, it’d be helpful to screen tenants to make sure that they don’t have any previous history of eviction.

Advertise Effectively

When tenants are looking for a place to live, additional features often impact their decision to rent with you. Establish what your best features are and advertise them effectively. Try thinking about it this way, if you were looking for a place to rent, what would attract you? If your unit includes on-site parking or in-unit laundry, then list it. If there is anything else that is noteworthy and will set you apart from your competitors, list them too! Once you figure out your best features, you can create a hook in your listing that will pique the interest of potential tenants, while being informative.

Include High-Quality Photos

Your photos are an essential part of your advertisement because people are now able to picture themselves living in that space. People enjoy visual cues, so if they don’t like what they see, or if there is nothing to see, they’ll move onto the next property. When you’re capturing your place, try using a nice-quality camera and shoot using natural lighting. These photos will help show off your home, and they will allow you to focus on your best features. Remember, the more pictures, the better!

If you’re looking for top-quality property management services in the Indianapolis area, AMG Property Management can help! Our experienced team of rental property managers and leasing agents will work closely to organize and care for your rental properties and tenants so you can spend more time on what matters! Give us a call at 317-252-5830 to learn about the services we offer!